Green Campus: A Green Campus is a place where environmental friendly practices and education combine to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices in the campus. The green campus concept offers an institution the opportunity to take the lead in redefining its environmental culture and developing new paradigms by creating sustainable solutions to environmental, social and economic needs of mankind.
Objectives of the Go Green Programme: The first step of the Go Green Programme involves establishing a viable Green-Campus Committee, within the organizational structure of the Institute. Hence, to give this initiative more clarity and authenticity, we now roll out a POLICYDOCUMENT spelling out the strategies, plans and other allied tasks to make this Program functional officially. We believe that greening the campus is all about sweeping away wasteful inefficiencies and using conventional sources of energies for its daily power needs, correct disposal handling, purchase of environment friendly supplies and effective recycling program. The administration of the Institute believes that everyone has to work out the time bound strategies to implement green campus initiatives. These strategies need to be incorporated into the institutional planning and budgeting processes with the aim of developing a clean and green campus. Every individual of Shri S.K.Shah and Shrikrishna O.M. Arts College Campus will work, may he/she be a student, faculty and support staff to foster a culture of self-sustainability and make the entire campus environmental friendly. The Green Campus Initiatives (GCI) will enable the institution to develop the campus as a living laboratory for innovation.
Objectives of the Go Green Programme: The first step of the Go Green Programme involves establishing a viable Green-Campus Committee, within the organizational structure of the Institute. Hence, to give this initiative more clarity and authenticity, we now roll out a POLICYDOCUMENT spelling out the strategies, plans and other allied tasks to make this Program functional officially. We believe that greening the campus is all about sweeping away wasteful inefficiencies and using conventional sources of energies for its daily power needs, correct disposal handling, purchase of environment friendly supplies and effective recycling program. The administration of the Institute believes that everyone has to work out the time bound strategies to implement green campus initiatives. These strategies need to be incorporated into the institutional planning and budgeting processes with the aim of developing a clean and green campus. Every individual of Shri S.K.Shah and Shrikrishna O.M. Arts College Campus will work, may he/she be a student, faculty and support staff to foster a culture of self-sustainability and make the entire campus environmental friendly. The Green Campus Initiatives (GCI) will enable the institution to develop the campus as a living laboratory for innovation.
A Composition of the Go- Green Committee
B Role of the Go- Green Campus Programme :
The impetus for a successful Green Campus must begin at the top and emanate
throughout the rest of the campus. Without a strong message of commitment andinvolvement from both the Chairperson and Members of the Committee, well-intentioned initiatives may be too fragmented to allow for Institute-wide
participation. Thus in view of this, the committee will plan and execute to:
functional throughout the year.
7.Chart out a yearly planner for the Institute, local community and Stakeholders.
Of the strategic plan. For instance, a plan to save energy at the institute level with time bound plan to install Solar Power Station mandatorily either at the top of Institute building or in open field. This will enable the institute to have 24×7 power supply.
lights, halogen and mercury street/campus lights and get them replace by the LEDs.
And local environmental agencies, utilities, and the business community.
management, and energy efficiency reducing, reusing, recycling, and repairing wherever possible.
recommendations will be acted upon once audits are completed
Activate power management features on your computer and monitor so that it will go into a low power “sleep” mode when you are not working on it.
* Installation of Solar Power Station Waste water Management/ Rainwater harvesting.
* Development of Sewage Water Treatment Plant
* Use of Micro-scale techniques
* Sensor based energy conservation
* Displayed poster on E-waste Management
* Maintenance of water bodies and distribution system in the campus
* MIS to make paperless administration
* Plastic free Campus
* Tree Plantation Drive
* Cleanliness Drive
* Landscaping and gardens
* Use of LEDs only
* Digital Library/ E-Learning Centre
* Organization of sensitization programmes for the stakeholders
* Establishment of Environment-Club
* Green, Environment and Energy Audit conducted
* Restricted entry of automobiles
* No Vehicle Day observed
* Involve students in college Green audit, Energy audit, Environment audit Programmes
* The Institute will make all the necessary efforts to involve the students, faculty and staff in “Green Campus Initiamtives” by designating the volunteers of Environment Club, NSS & NCC cadets, printing T shirts/ Caps with green campus initiative slogan specially d signed for purpose
Date :- 15/06/2020
Place :- Modasa